Doraemon anime movies are based on the manga long stories (daichohen).
Overall the animation is fantastic due to high budgets and the series popularity. The artwork is fantastic as well.
It would be so much better if the anime movies followed the manga closely. For example, most battles in the daichohen are greatly abridged in the anime. I want the battles to be exactly like that in the manga which exposes the scale and extent of wars and the wonder of Doraemon's gadgets in dealing with them.
Another thing I wish the anime DIDN'T do is to alter or add unnecessary, sometimes ridiculous, details into otherwise near-perfect stories. For example, the "Nobita and the Steel Troops" anime added the appearance of Pipo, which is really annoying and unnecessary.
When the anime does follow the manga closely - like "Nobita and the Great Demon/ Peko and the Battle of Five" - it becomes so much better! I didn't like this daichohen manga much, but I like it much more now when it's animated faithfully to the manga.